EntranceZone.Com: From 2019, NTA will be
organizing JEE Main, applicants appearing for the exam Aspirants can get the
JEE Main Latest News & Updates for 2019 by entrancezone. National Testing Agency (NTA) which is a newly formed
examination authority will be conducting the JEE main exams twice a year
starting from January 2019. Human Resource Development (MHRD) has issued a
schedule for both January and April exams in August 2018. According to the latest update, the
exams will be held in an online mode two times in a year, in between 6-20 January and 6-20
April on a day which candidate select.
The final dates of JEE
main 2019 exams have been declared on 21 August by HRD ministry. These exams
were earlier organized by CBSE. The applicants can fill
registration form for JEE main 2019 exam
I from September 1 - September 30, 2018. The admit card of JEE Main 2019 exam I
will be available online from 17 December on its official site. JEE Main
January 2019 will be conducted from 6 January – 20 January. And, the results
will be released by the NTA on 7 January.
Apart from the final dates of JEE Main 2019, NTA has also stated that they are opening Test Practise Centres (TPCs) in 2697 Schools/Engineering
Colleges for all the rural students from across the country through which they
will be able to practise well before the exam. The TPCs will be available to
all the students starting from 1 September on every weekend (Saturdays & Sundays)
for free of charge. TPCs are set up to give an idea to the students regarding
the changed pattern of the JEE Main 2019 exam and help familiarize the students
and adapt to it.
The National Testing Agency has also released the schedule for JEE Main 2019 for both January and April sessions as given below:
registration form for JEE main 2019 exam
I from September 1 - September 30, 2018. The admit card of JEE Main 2019 exam I
will be available online from 17 December on its official site. JEE Main
January 2019 will be conducted from 6 January – 20 January. And, the results
will be released by the NTA on 7 January.
Apart from the final dates of JEE Main 2019, NTA has also stated that they are opening Test Practise Centres (TPCs) in 2697 Schools/Engineering
Colleges for all the rural students from across the country through which they
will be able to practise well before the exam. The TPCs will be available to
all the students starting from 1 September on every weekend (Saturdays & Sundays)
for free of charge. TPCs are set up to give an idea to the students regarding
the changed pattern of the JEE Main 2019 exam and help familiarize the students
and adapt to it.
The National Testing Agency has also released the schedule for JEE Main 2019 for both January and April sessions as given below:
Or visit
JEE Main Jan 2019:
Online Submission of
Application forms - September 1-September 30
Downloading of admit
cards - December 17
Date of JEE Main
January Exam - January 6-January 20
JEE Main Result - January 31
JEE Main Apr 2019:
Online Submission of
Application forms - February 8-March 7
Downloading of admit
cards - March 18
Date of JEE Main April
Exam - April 7- April 21
JEE Main Result -
April 30
What is NTA?
National Testing Agency (NTA) is a newly formed examination authority approved by the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in
November, 2017. The authority would function as an autonomous and will be
self-sustaining premier testing organization to conduct examinations for higher
educational institutions. The authority will be replacing CBSE in terms of conducting exams for higher educational institutes in India.
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